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2023-24 NM Hunting Rules

Project Childsafe from the NSSF

About New Mexico Shooting Sports

Addicted to the Outdoors

New Mexico Shooting Sports endeavors to cover all aspects of shooting in the state.  Shooting is the firing of a firearm or other weapon such as a bow and arrow.  Whatever your choice or firearm or weapon is, we hope to keep you informed on what is happening in your sport.

We encourage all clubs and individuals who are aware of activity or events in New Mexico to either post the information directly or submit it to the webmaster to be added to the site.

We want this site to be a comprehensive list of all upcoming events.  Club meetings, gun shows, shooting events, as well as legislation affecting our Second Amendment rights or those who choose to infringe on them.

Any activity involving rifles, pistols, shotguns, bow and arrow, paintball, and even slingshots is welcome here.  If it involves shooting, we want to know about it.  The emphasis of course will be in regards to firearms, but all shooting disciplines are supported and encouraged here.

We are the official site for posting events in support of the NRA-sanctioned New Mexico Shooting Sports Association site.

Please visit our partner site, New Mexico Weapons regarding your firearms related needs including FFL transfers, accessories, and training.


Defensive Pistol Fundamentals