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2023-24 NM Hunting Rules

Project Childsafe from the NSSF

Kalifornia Passes Another Stupid Gun Law

Starting July 1, 2021, California residents will be prohibited from buying more than one semiautomatic rifle per month. And, starting Jan. 1, 2020, California residents under the age of 21 will be banned from purchasing a semiautomatic rifle.

Both measures are part of Senate Bill 61, which was signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom […]

You’re Invited | Legislative Strategy Session in Roswell

NMSSA and NRA-ILA are hosting a Legislative Strategy Session

With pro-gun legislators and the leadership for both NMSSA and NRA-ILA, we will be discussing the upcoming 2020 legislative session. This is your opportunity to help shape the strategy heading into another difficult session and support the local cause to protect our Second Amendment rights.

Date […]

Toronto Victims Sue Smith & Wesson for $150 Million

Recently the court that allowed Bushmaster (Remington) to be sued seems to have opened the floodgates. Once again, it is the weapon’s fault, not the shooter.


Victims of a 2018 shooting in Toronto, Ontario, are suing Smith and Wesson, the company that manufactured the shooter’s gun. Their claim is that S&W didn’t incorporate smart […]

Instagram Will No Longer Allow Private Individuals to be Paid to Promote Firearms (pick, pick, pick)

Instagram just launched the next attack in the corporate campaign to marginalize gun owners.

The Facebook-owned social media giant will not allow influencers to be paid to promote vaping, tobacco products, or weapons, according to CNBC.

The move comes as dozens of other corporate entities work to crack down on legal gun owners. Companies […]